WC Experience - Faktor 183
General information
Full release title
Number within category
Release company
Bunny Music BV
Catalog number
BUCD 9371
Number of media
Number of sides
Total playing time
CD 1
- WC Experience - Ik goi visse (One vision) (3′49″)
- WC Experience - Botterham mee weggewaaid zaand (Centerfold) (3′28″)
- WC Experience - Tellefoonhaiger (Eye of the tiger) (4′18″)
- WC Experience - Een natte pan in de kast (Another one bites the dust) (3′19″)
- WC Experience - Bello (Gimme all your lovin') (3′35″)
- WC Experience - Tsjoenge joenge (Pretty woman) (2′53″)
- WC Experience - Wai rolle dur 't cafĂ© (4′26″)
- WC Experience - Dokter Oei (What I like about you) (3′01″)
- WC Experience - Zatte kop (Start me up) (4′20″)
- WC Experience - Zeilschip naor Moskou (Nightboat to Cairo) (4′00″)
- WC Experience - Hil d'n dag plat (3′22″)
- WC Experience - Ik bak een aai vannacht (Don't cry) (4′34″)
- WC Experience - Pannekoek (Darlin' I don't care) (2′47″)