Grease: The original soundtrack from the motion picture
General information
Full release title
Number within category
Release company
Catalog number
817 998-2
April 1991
Originally released
Friday, April 14, 1978
Number of media
Number of sides
Content year
- Linear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
Total playing time
- Frankie Valli - Grease (3′25″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength3′25″LanguageAuthorRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John - Summer nights (3′37″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength3′37″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Olivia Newton-John - Hopelessly devoted to you (3′05″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength3′05″LanguageAuthorRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John - You're the one that I want (2′50″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′50″LanguageAuthorRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- John Travolta - Sandy (2′33″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′33″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Frankie Avalon - Beauty school dropout (4′00″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength4′00″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Stockard Channing, Didi Conn, Dinah Manoff & Jamie Donnelly - Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee (1′40″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength1′40″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- John Travolta - Greased lightnin' (3′13″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength3′13″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Cindy Bullens - It's raining on prom night (2′52″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′52″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Alone at the drive-in movie (instrumental) (2′25″) Artist?????TitleAdditional informationinstrumentalLive recordingNoLength2′25″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Sha Na Na - Blue moon (2′21″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′21″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Sha Na Na - Rock 'n' roll is here to stay (2′03″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′03″LanguageAuthorRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Sha Na Na - Those magic changes (2′18″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′18″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Sha Na Na - Hound dog (1′25″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength1′25″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Sha Na Na - Born to hand jive (4′38″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength4′38″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Sha Na Na - Tears on my pillow (2′03″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′03″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Louis St. Louis & Cindy Bullens - Mooning (2′14″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′14″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Cindy Bullens - Freddy, my love (2′48″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′48″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Louis St. Louis - Rock 'n' roll party queen (2′11″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′11″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Stockard Channing - There are worse things I could do (2′23″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength2′23″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Olivia Newton-John - Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee (reprise) (1′30″) ArtistTitleAdditional informationrepriseLive recordingNoLength1′30″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John - We go together (3′00″) ArtistTitleLive recordingNoLength3′00″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Love is a many-splendored thing (instrumental) (1′23″) Artist?????TitleAdditional informationinstrumentalLive recordingNoLength1′23″LanguageAuthorsRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit
- Frankie Valli - Grease (reprise) (3′24″) ArtistTitleAdditional informationrepriseLive recordingNoLength3′24″LanguageAuthorRecordedAudioLinear PCM 2.0, 44.1 kHz, 16bit