Persons and groups
Music and films are made by people. People also participate in audio commentaries for films. Below is an overview of all the persons and groups that in one way or another have contributed to music, film commentaries or books in my collection.
- Göhring, George (Man)
- Goland, Arnold (Man)
- Gold, Jacob (Man)
- Gold, Ken (Man)
- Gold, Wally (Man)
- Golden Earring (Group)
- Golden Nightingale Orchestra, The (Group)
- Goldenberg, Mark (Man)
- Goldmark, Andrew (Man)
- Goldwyn, B. (Unknown)
- Gómez, Óscar (Man)
- Goodman, Fred (Man)
- Goodrum, Randy (Man)
- Goot, Leo van der (Man)
- Gordon, Alan (Man)
- Gordy, Berry (Man)
- Gore, Lesley (Woman)
- Gorman, John (Man)
- Gorrell, Stuart (Man)
- Gosh, Bobby (Man)
- Gouldman, Graham (Man)
- Goya, Francis (Man)
- Graaf, Paul de (Man)
- Gramm, Lou (Man)
- Grant & Forsyth (Group)
- Grayson, Gilliam Banmon (Man)
- Greenaway, Roger (Man)
- Greenberg, Steven (Man)
- Greenfield & Cook (Group)
- Greenfield, Howard (Man)
- Greenwich, Ellie (Man)
- Greenwood, Al (Man)
- Grieg, Edvard (Man)
- Grimme, Herman (Man)
- Groen, Ton (Man)
- Groenveld, Rink (Man)
- Grönemeyer, Herbert (Man)
- Groot Kormelink, Peter (Man)
- Groot, Boudewijn de (Man)
- Groothuizen, Angela (Woman)
- Groszman, Carl (Man)
- Gruber, Franz Xaver (Man)
- Grusin, Dave (Man)
- Guaraldi, Vince (Man)
- Guess Who, The (Group)
- Gummoe, John (Man)
- Gun, The (Group)
- Gurvitz, Adrian (Man)
- Guthrie, Woody (Man)
- Guys 'n' Dolls (Group)