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Persons and groups

Music and films are made by people. People also participate in audio commentaries for films. Below is an overview of all the persons and groups that in one way or another have contributed to music, film commentaries or books in my collection.

  1. Leer, Thijs van (Man)
  2. Leeuw, Rick de (Man)
  3. Leeuwen, Robbie van (Man)
  4. Legrand, Michel (Man)
  5. Leiber & Stoller (Group)
  6. Leiber, Jerry (Man)
  7. Leigh, Richard (Man)
  8. Lemming, The (Group)
  9. Lennon, John (Man)
  10. Leon, Walter (Man)
  11. Les Humphries Singers (Group)
  12. Les Reed Orchestra (Group)
  13. Levenson, Neil (Man)
  14. Levine, Ian (Man)
  15. Levine, Irwin (Man)
  16. Levine, Joey (Man)
  17. Lewis, Al (Man)
  18. Lewis, Calvin (Man)
  19. Lewis, Ian (Man)
  20. Lewis, Jerry Lee (Man)
  21. Lewis, Ken (Man)
  22. Lewis, Morgan (Man)
  23. Lewis, Roger (Man)
  24. Lewis, Stan (Man)
  25. Liebrand, Ben (Man)
  26. Lighthouse Family, The (Group)
  27. Lind, Jon (Man)
  28. Linders, Irene (Woman)
  29. Lindsay, Mark (Man)
  30. Lipps Inc. (Group)
  31. Little Richard (Man)
  32. Little River Band (Group)
  33. Little Willies, The (Group)
  34. Livin' Blues (Group)
  35. Livingston, Jay (Man)
  36. Lloyd, Harry (Man)
  37. Lobos, Los (Group)
  38. Locorriere, Dennis (Man)
  39. Lodge, June (Woman)
  40. Loesser, Frank (Man)
  41. Lofgren, Nils (Man)
  42. Logan, Johnny (Man)
  43. Loïs Lane (Group)
  44. London Starlight Orchestra (Alias)
  45. London Symphony Orchestra (Group)
  46. Long Tall Ernie and the Shakers (Group)
  47. Long, Robert (Man)
  48. Long, Robert & Unit Gloria (Group)
  49. Lopez, Trini (Man)
  50. Lordan, Jerry (Man)